
Chapter 2

What I have learned about Spiritual Warfare ~  Be wise as serpents yet innocent as doves. ~ Matthew 10:16 As a Christian I am ashamed to say this...but at times, we can be very foolish to learn the truth about fighting unseen forces.  The sobering truth is that there is a war going on for your very soul.  The forces of light and the forces of darkness in the invisible sphere around us are fighting on a spirit-to-spirit level. I really wish I had known that at an early level in Christ.  I just could not fathom or grasp my true identity and my God-given authority as a soldier of the King... I have had to learn some very hard lessons since 1982...I can remember being very naive about the spiritual realm. It can be very difficult when you did not know that living life could be so brutal and that we have to fight to maintain our deliverance.  Some days are better than others, but if you do not get the overall picture of who you are in Christ, you are in for a very brutal awakening! Without

Chapter 1

Deliverance Plus Medication   In this day and age, this debate is very strong. I myself have come to this crossroads many times since my Christian conversion at the age of eighteen. I have relentlessly vacillated back and forth on these very issues on having demons or a mental illness.   I have gone through many seasons where I believe one way and the next season the other way.  So, which way is the answer? I say, "Go with God first and foremost."  Get prayer and find deliverance. If that doesn't work, ask God to lead you to the right doctors and get on medication.  I do think medication is still a good thing and not an evil thing "if" it's used in the right way. Some will disagree on this; I am sure there are those debaters out there that says medication is of the devil. I believe it's needed in this day and age.  If you are sick, you need medicine to heal. It may not heal you, but it will be an aid to your recovery and freedom. In 1986, I experienced t


 INTRODUCTION "From Recovery to Freedom," was a book I had published in 2018.  It was all about my testimony and freedom from Paranoid Schizophrenia.  In the book, I wrote on mental illness from one biblical standpoint.  I would like to revisit that book and let readers know how I am doing now.  Maybe even going deeper into the chapters of the book.   My writing/blogging has changed though, I am not as focused on spiritual warfare like I was back then.  Those truths have given me a firm foundation.  My relationship with God is deeper and richer now. I love to spend time with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. I love listening to worship plus read and memorize the holy scriptures, and of course writing. I don't have a fanatic testimony since writing that book...I went through a divorce and another hospital stay. But God has still moved in profound ways solidifying his love and pouring grace back into my life.  I still have bouts with depression and anxiety, but no